Letters from Andre´ (in production)
Dimensions (2023 Fashion show)
Fashion Run (2022)
"Fashion Run" is a high-concept fashion film directed by SCAD alum Squire Fox, featuring more than 100 exquisite, innovative creations by SCAD School of Fashion senior and graduate students. The dynamic prelude to the SCAD FASHION 2022 runway show, the film follows SCAD alum Nikita M’Bouroukounda (B.F.A., accessory design, 2013) as she leads more than 100 student models on a thrilling race backstage before commanding the catwalk. The film takes audiences through iconic SCAD spaces and behind the scenes of the university’s elite fashion showcase, reverberating with the energy of its many visionary collaborators. Said Fox, “I set out to make a film that was an epic celebration of that inclusiveness.
The Actress (2021)
Currently streaming on Mubi
In The Actress, artist Andrew Ondrejcak poses the question: "How has Hollywood shaped our culture's ideals of art, beauty and — ultimately — ourselves?" Commissioned by SCAD and made in collaboration with trans filmmaker and actor Isabel Sandoval, the film follows Sandoval as she shape-shifts through iconic moments in film history, reimagining cinematic archetypes for today.
The Awakening (2021)
The high-concept fashion film “The Awakening,” directed by Jess Farran, editorializes select garments, jewelry, and accessories by SCAD School of Fashion students and alumni in an otherworldly tale of conscious connection and the creative impulse. Music by Gus Dapperton